Horses Deserve To Live Too

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The Reason, The Hardest To Understand

Also the hardest to explain.

Why are these horses slaughtered?

Horses were thought to be slaughtered for their meat for use in pet foods. This is not the case. Horses are being slaughtered for human consumption. Horse meat is not consumed in the United States, rather in France, Belgium, Holland, Japan, and Italy. There are only three plants in the U.S. All of which are foreign owned.

Horses usually end up in these slaughter houses by means of transport frequently used for cattle and pigs. Many of these horses are sold at horse autions for only hundreds of dollars, when normally a horse sells for over a thousand. During transportation, these horses are not fed, watered, or rested. Many of the horses end up dead upon arrival because of the inadequate amount of space in these trailers, in which the horses are often injured and even trampled.

Upon the arrival, the horses enter the slaughter house, are rendered unconcious through soemthing similar to a nail gun, hoisted up on a back leg, and are slit at the throat. Now, I know you are thinking, "Well, if they are unconcious, what is the big deal? They can't feel it!" The truth is, many of these horses are consious during all of this because of improper means of rendering the horse unconcious. The horses waiting in line all almost always aware of what it happening around them. This is very frightening and stressful for a horse.

Will someone just tell us.....
just tell us why?

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